Saturday, January 21, 2012

Updates and a little about my day :)

I'm creating a new website so my special followers can pay a low monthly membership to see personal pictures, and watch exclusive videos of me.

There will be a raffle tonight, so buy your tokens and be a part of the awesome raffle where you get awesome prizes. That's about it....woke up really early so i can get my website ready for my AWESOME fans to view.

Also, i got my AMAZING check from chaturbate, but it's paid to the order to TINY_TITTEE_COMMITTEE, not my actual name, so no bank is taking it. We need to pay the internet bill, and get ciggerettes today and i'm skrewed if i can't get my 20 dollar business certificate that proves i have my own business and that is my business name. GRRRRRR chaturbate!!! Anybody wanna donate 20 bucks to the nice pretty lady??? Been buying ciggs with pocket change!! This sucks, and then our adorable puppy almost got hit by a car, like 3 inches difference she would be a pancake on the road. Left the door open and she ran out to chase a squirrel and even though we live on a very quiet road WOULDN'T YOU KNOW, a car decided to drive past right at that moment, freaked me out like you wouldn't believe!

Thanks for reading this, YOU ROCK!


  1. TT... We have to chat soon... You're WAY to cute and pretty to be without cash...I'm oldfatbaldguy on CB but, as I said, I'm not old, fat or bald...send me a message to let me know when we can chat online.

  2. You have gone a long way from working at RICH.
